Daniel Reitmann


Daniel Reitmann

Daniel Reitmann

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Meet Daniel Reitmann

Daniel, an Industrial Engineer, embarked on a journey of sustainable performance improvement that ultimately led him to earn a doctorate in sociology. With a strong emphasis on leadership, he specialises in constructing performance cultures.

With an impressive 30 years of international experience as a consultant, facilitator, and project manager, Daniel lends his expertise to assist leaders in fostering a greater tolerance for change and uncertainty, while also cultivating their capacity to establish highly engaged performance teams.


Daniel’s current client portfolio encompasses prominent organisations such as Anglicare, the Queensland Government, and the Unlimited Group in Africa. Additionally, he actively contributes to the People Advisor Panel of BDO.

His diverse range of projects encompasses leadership development, change management, and project management. With a firm commitment to delivering sustainable results, Daniel emphasizes the importance of effective communication and engagement as crucial drivers of success.


Daniel’s personal values and approach are marked by an inviting and friendly demeanour, coupled with a highly effective delivery method. He takes great pleasure in nurturing trusting partnerships with his clients, fostering relationships that endure over the long term. This commitment to lasting connections is exemplified by the impressive track record of 6 contract renewals with the Unlimited Group.

I Am®

By integrating the I Am® tool into my consulting practices, I enhance the ability of leaders to navigate and proactively respond to the ever-changing landscape. This powerful tool empowers individuals to embrace self-awareness, fostering personal growth and enabling effective leadership.

This approach enhances my ability to identify and address areas of organisational culture development, fostering a more aligned and resilient organisation.


  • Doctor Philosophiae, Sociology
  • Master of Business Management and Administration
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Industrial
  • IAM accreditation 2023

Happy Clients

Andrea van der Westhuizen, the General Manager of Fruition, attests to the remarkable effectiveness of the tool. Impressed by its impact, she wholeheartedly recommends it to her executive team, recognising the valuable contribution it can make to their endeavours. Andrea’s endorsement serves as a testament to the tool’s efficacy and underscores its potential to drive positive outcomes within the organisation.

Want to know more about the difference I Am® can make to your organisation?